Cold Laser Therapy


Cold Laser

Cold Laser therapy is low level light therapy which helps reduce healing times. A laser is a focused beam of light that emits photon energy. When the light is focused properly, all the photons are traveling the same direction and at the same wavelength; this is known as coherent light. Within the injured musculoskeletal tissue, low-level laser light initiates microcirculation, and enhanced tissue regeneration. The overall effects are decreased pain and inflammation, and increased range of motion. When the body has an injury the cells are damaged and fail to function within normal parameters. Low level lasers penetrate deeply into the skin and work by restoring this abnormal cellular function. Physiologic effects include improved metabolism, circulation and tissue healing.

Dr. Steven Long, DC at Town Center Family Chiropractic in El Dorado Hills has added the Erchonia Laser to his advanced sports Chiropractic protocol. Call the office @ 916 933-4507 for special scheduling.

Dr. Jeff Spencer, who is the Sports Chiropractor for the US Postal cycling team and Lance Armstrong, uses the same laser. Lance has said that he credits most of his success to Dr. Spencer and the Laser. The Laser is used to enhance tissue recovery and advance/speed up injury healing time. 3LT™ or Low Level Laser Therapy promotes healing in many conditions, including chronic/acute pain, wound healing and other joint and neurological conditions.

Erchonia's lasers made history by becoming the first to receive FDA market clearance for the treatment of chronic pain, proven through two double blind IRB studies. The Erchonia Lasers are the most advanced lasers on the market, with their sleek revolutionary design, patented line generated beam, and the ability to program independent frequencies in all of their family of lasers.

Along with the Laser, Dr. Long has added a VP II Percussor, newest version of EB Pro Cellular Cleanse to his line of advance sports medicine modalities in his quest to be the most advanced sports practitioner in El Dorado Hills.

Laser FAQ

What is a TRUE Laser? The Erchonia Laser is a TRUE LASER, fully compliant to the definitions set forth by those great men of science such as Bose and Einstein who predicted LASER in 1924 and the contemporary physicists Schawlow and Townes who brought LASER into the modern age. LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by stimulated Emission of Radiation. Light created in this way, is then culminated and directed into an intense beam of coherent light through the use of cathode and anode reflecting components in order to produce a single stable frequency. According to Webster's Dictionary, Lasers are coherent or marked by logical consistency. The Erchonia laser meets all the scientifically defined attributes of a laser and is therefore classified as a TRUE laser. We assure and maintain this classification, through our unique and patented process, which produces the emission of coherent light, generated at a precise and stable frequency, and in a focused direction.

What is low-level laser? Unlike high power lasers that use heat and destroy tissue, low energy lasers affect the cellular energy of the underlying tissue. Hot lasers have a thermal effect and have an output of 1MW or above.Cold (or) Low Level Lasers do not have a thermal effect on tissue, lasers that stimulate biological function have an output below 10mw- milliwatts (ten- one thousands of a watt).

What is 3LT™ - Low Level Laser Therapy? Low Level Laser Therapy (3LT™) refers to the modality of applying a "low" energy or "low level" laser to tissue that stimulates cellular processes and thereby enhancing biochemical reactions. For example, studies show that LLLT increases ATP production in the mitochondria of the cell. Since more energy is now available, the cell may utilize this fuel to function or operate more efficiently.

How does it work? Many theories exist as to the mechanism of action for Low Level Laser Therapy(3LT™) but simply put, photonic energy is absorbed by the photo acceptor sites on the cell membrane which trigger a secondary messenger to initiate a cascade of intracellular signals that initiate, inhibit or accelerate biological processes such as wound healing, inflammation, or pain management.

What conditions can be helped? Low Level Laser Therapy(3LT™) has been successfully used to treat many conditions such as acute and chronic pain reduction, repetitive use disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome, soft tissue strains and sprains, inflammation reduction, enhanced tissue wound healing, and cell regeneration.

Are there any side effects? There are over 1500 published studies and not one of them mentions any negative side effects of semi-conductor diode lasers at the 5mW range like the Erchonia 3LT™ Lasers. Low Level Lasers are safe, non-toxic and non-invasive, there has not been a recorded side effect in over 1700 publications. There are some nessecary common sense precautions that need to be considered, such as avoiding pointing the laser beam directly into the eye and maintating it there, which could prove to be damaging to the eye.

What makes one laser different from another? A laser can differ in its wavelength, power source or whether it is a continuous or pulsed wave form. The first lasers were used to cut, cauterize or ablate tissue and were classified as "hot' lasers. "Cold", "Low Energy" or "Low Level" lasers are used to enhance metabolic activity at the cellular level through non-thermal reactions.

What is wavelength? And do the different wavelengths matter? Light is measured in wavelengths and is expressed in units of nanometers (nm). Different wavelengths have different energy levels and can have various effects on tissue. For example, the Erchonia 3LT™ Laser is 635 nanometers, which is found within the "red" spectrum of visible light (400-800 nm) and has anabolic tissue effects, whereas, radiation that has a wavelength shorter than 320 nm (ultraviolet (UV), gamma rays, x-rays) has ionizing effects on cells and can be harmful even in small doses.

How long are the treatments? Treatments can vary in time from seconds to minutes depending on the condition. Research studies show that there may be a dose dependent response, so it may be more effective to treat at lower doses at multiple intervals then to treat a single time with a high dose. How long does the treatment last? A treatment plan may vary, depending on the condition. For instance, an acute soft tissue injury or open wound may require multiple short treatments initially then the interval between treatments will lengthen as the condition improves.

To learn more about Erchonia Cold Laser therapy, please visit the Erchonia® website.


“I think of Chiropractic care as my fountain of youth. It greases my joints, mitigates old injuries, dulls my pains and lets me act much younger than my age, which is important after 60.”

Michael M., Software Engineer and Power Lifter

“When I began care my back felt compressed and I had frequent back discomfort. I had seen other Chiropractors before but I was looking for a more thorough and scientific approach. I find Dr. Steve to very knowledgeable and he has a good touch. I would recommend Dr. Steve to everyone, I have seen many chiropractors over the last 25 years and Dr. Steve is the best I have ever seen. I now have less pain, more stability and more strength. I have had an excellent overall experience at Town Center Family Chiropractic.”

Dr. David

“When you’re feeling good don’t push it, you’ll need to save that energy. When you’re feeling bad don’t worry about it, it will eventually go away.”- or something like that. Those words you gave me before the race ran through my head about a dozen times. There are two people that I can honestly say that if I hadn’t have had their help I wouldn’t have crossed that finish line. You are one of them. This is absolutely no exaggeration. I can’t thank you enough for the encouraging words and all the hours of help. You will forever be a big part of my Ironman experience. Thank you Dr. Steve.”

Donna K.

“Before seeing Dr. Steve I had excruciating pain in my lower back and neck. Every time I went to reach for something my neck and back muscles would tense up so much a shot of pain would make me stop. I had tried massages, stretches, icy hot, Motrin, ice, heating pads, just about everything with no luck. I knew the problem was deeper rooted so I tried chiropractic care. I committed to my care with Dr. Steve because I appreciated his open, honest, and practical approach to help me heal my pain. I am now pain free and I feel great! I recommend seeing Dr. Steve to everyone I speak with that complains of any ailment.”


“I had severe sciatic pain from my hip all the way down to my foot. I didn’t want to see a chiropractor but my husband convinced me to give it a try and I am so glad that I did. It made all the difference between living with severe daily pain and then improved pain free living. I can now walk upright and sleep better. I recommend Dr. Steve’s office to everybody I know.”

Jamie J.

“Before seeing Dr. Steve I was in pain on a daily basis. I couldn’t run and walking even hurt due to a fall 4 yrs prior. I was 6 months pregnant and unable to walk without pain when I decided to finally seek care. I choose chiropractic because I like that appointments are quick yet still soothing and relaxing. Chiropractic care made being pregnant a comfortable and enjoyable experience. With Dr. Steve’s help I can now walk and lay on my back without pain. I wish I came to Dr. Steve’s office several years ago.”

Brad L.

“I was experiencing tight muscles and a tingling sensation between my shoulder and spine. I could not stand more than a few minutes without it hurting. The chronic discomfort and proven results led me to chiropractic care. Thanks to Dr. Steve my issue is now a non-issue and my life is back to normal. I would recommend Dr. Steve to anyone with chronic pain or discomfort.”

Sue B.

“I had severe scoliosis resulting in neck and knee joint problems. I’ve seen a chiropractor since I was 13 and I can recognize good care when I see it. Dr. Steve is always able to find the hurting area even if I don’t tell him where it is. I love that his office treats you holistically. People just don’t realize how adjustments affect everything else going on. Chiropractic care has had a huge impact on my life. I really don’t function well without once a month adjustments. It helps me walk better, sleep better, and exist better! TCFC has uncompromising care, professionalism, privacy, humor, the newest techniques, and skilled competence. I recommend Dr. Steve’s office to children and adults. It’s not always an instant fix, but a process you can count on like getting dental checkups.”

Pat D.

“Before seeing Dr. Steve I had a locked left shoulder, extreme pain in my upper left arm, and tension in my neck and both shoulders. I had low energy and could not sleep on my left shoulder. I decided to receive care from Dr. Steve after bringing my grandson to his appointment. I was very impressed with how caring Dr. Steve was and how he took time with each patient. Since seeing Dr. Steve I feel 100% better and have more energy to do housework and my job. Chiropractic care has changed my lifestyle including my diet, exercise, and positive attitude. I recommend TCFC to anyone who has pain or a subluxation.”

Dudley L.

“I was skeptical about chiropractic care at first. After 2+ years of regular treatment I rarely have the chronic back pain that I thought was a way of life.”

Terri R.

I had such bad shoulder pain I couldn’t sleep or work. I had always feared chiropractic and “popping” things back into place. Although I came in for my shoulder, after the body analysis I realized what the MRI’s didn’t tell me. My hip was out of alignment from a car accident 5+ years before. Thanks to Dr. Steve I feel better and have a bounce in my step. I am now more aware of my body and its limitations. With my new knowledge I manage my pain better and take better care of my health. My friends have even noticed my improved energy and attitude after adjustments. I love coming to see Dr. Steve and I have been recommending him to everyone.

Mike Kielty

"Before seeing Dr. Steve I hurt everywhere and could no longer run. I had tried everything before seeking chiropractic care, as I was a chiropractic nonbeliever. Dr. Steve’s athletic background and knowledge of the mechanics of running appealed to me. After being under Dr. Steve’s care I am now 100% better and can run again. My experience at his office has been all positive and I would recommend chiropractic care to everybody!"

Christine L.

“Before seeing Dr. Steve I was in pain, tired, and felt out of balance. I decided to seek chiropractic care after meeting Dr. Steve. I have had chiropractic care before as its holistic approach has always appealed to me. Dr. Steve’s care has made a huge difference in my life and my bi-weekly check-ins keep me grounded and connected with my mind and body. I am now more conscious of how I hold myself and I know how to position my body so as not to illicit pain. Dr. Steve is always professional, encouraging, and never condescending. I recommend his office to everyone.”

Tristan L.

Hear from some of our HAPPY patients….
“Before seeing Dr. Steve I experienced pain from exercise and daily living activities such as picking up my kids and carrying groceries. I decided to seek chiropractic help because I wanted more frequent care from someone who would not just prescribe drugs as an easy answer. Since seeing Dr. Steve, I have decreased pain and discomfort, and I recover much faster from injuries. I enjoy having a preventative health care provider who knows my lifestyle and cares about my future well-being. I will continue to be under Dr. Steve’s care as part of my overall healthcare and preventative maintenance. I recommend Town Center Family Chiropractic to anyone who is looking to stop current pain, prevent future pain, and invest in their overall health.”

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